Street Dance Roots
has created the first International Awards and built the Hall of Fame for Street Dancers worldwide.
By interviewing dancers from different places of the world on and off-line, sharing, and keeping the fundamentals and its roots, and learning about Street Dancers and how they feel, SDR is highlighting dancers’ unique styles and talents.
Our founder
Alpha Omega Anderson was the catalyst.
The humble dancer brought the grace of Fred Astaire and the fierce dance passion of Gene Kelley to the gritty Street Dance competitions. Always sharing, he connected Orange County Street Dancers to opportunities.
An original Soul Train Dancer who danced with Don Campbellock and “The Lockers”.
His creative talent for innovative moves including the “corkscrew” “pull-through” and the “Alpha” trademarked his name. An icon to generations who compete in dance even today.
His lean lines and athletic prowess brought unparalleled grace to Street Dance. Shining not only on stage, Alpha managed many of the dancers in their catapult to fame with a loyalty seldom seen in the competitive world of professional dance.
The owner of a custom media construction company, and CEO & Founder of Street Dance Roots Social Media and Entertainment company, he is still called upon to perform signature moves and to teach Street Dance with gentle words and love, guiding everyday people to achieve their dreams.
A legendary Soul Train Dancer
“I learned so much from them all and it gave me a bigger reason to complete this dream of mine. Which is to have all dancers universally receive awards for the hard work that they do. I also noticed that they work so hard to become the best that they can be. I want them to be noticed if they have proven themselves to be among the best of the best.
Not just from their country but everywhere. That is my dream and I’m going to make this dream come true with the help of dancers, and most of all my belief in the Lord”.
Alpha Omega Anderson