Street Dance Roots proudly presents the Campbellocking Finalists.

Izaskun Ortega a. k.a. Miss Izzy from Spain, Fernando a.k.a. Black A. from Brazil and, Ddoch Lock from Korea. Watch the full video and check out who the winner is.

We also invite you to visit the full list of finalists, visit the dancers’ social media, and get to know more about the Campbellocking Community by getting closer to great artists chosen by the public.

know more about Miss Izzy

Izaskun Ortega aka Miss Izzy is a street dancer, teacher, host, company director and event organizer from Barcelona, Spain.

Izaskun started in the artistic world at the age of 4 acting, and learning circus art. She started her dance journey in 1990 where she found herself and her true motivation in the Street Dance Culture.

in 2008 she began her formation into Street Dance in national and international level, having the chance to travel across Europe, Asia and the USA. In 2009 she started to participate in events, such in choreographic championships and freestyle battles. By 2012 she started professionalizing into Locking, not only achieving to win worldwide events like Nothing 2 Looz or Pay the cost 2 be the Boss, she also helped the Street Dance culture to grow in Spain by organizing all types of events, trainings, battles and classes all over the country.

Her journey with the dance will not end only with locking, as she travelled to the USA, she also learned and created herself a name in the Lite Feet style, coming back almost every year to the NY and LA to keep the connection with the style and its roots culture.

She is the director and part of her dance company "BCNLOCK" where, along with other dancers, represent the Locking in their city, Barcelona.

Izaskun also has her own formation of Locking called "Formación Lock-on" where she teaches her vision, way of teaching and approach the style for new dancers that has the passion and funk on their soul.

By this day, Miss Izzy has travelled across the world, competing, teaching, judging and sharing her passion with the street dance and inspiring a lot of dancers to keep their dreams alive; as she says "Let yourself go". As a significant influence in Europe Street Dance Roots takes pride in having her as an award-winning dancer into the Street Dance Roots International Awards




SDRIA Entertainer