Jimmy Foster a.k.a. Scoo-B.Doo
Jimmy Foster a.k.a. Scoo-B.Doo, is one of the most famous O.G. lockers in activity - an original Soul Train member responsible for the dissemination of the Campbellocking a.k.a. Locking worldwide.
Jimmy started dancing in the 70s at clubs like the famous Maverick's Flat, where he saw Don Campbell performing his recently born dance, later known as Locking. Jimmy was so impressed by what he saw that in the same night, he went back home and started training, trying to copy what he could remember.
The guy who inspired him took a few months to notice that his style was spreading and soon they became friends. Scooby became closer to Don and turned into the first Locking dancer besides the creator of the style itself.
Every time that he went on the floor and started dancing, Don would repeat "Scoo” “B” “Doo" in a weird way to Jimmy, celebrating him, showing him how proud he was. This way Jimmy adopted the Scoo-B.Doo as a nickname for himself.
Jimmy delved so deeply into the Locking dance that he eventually pioneered steps that are now fundamental and practiced by lockers worldwide such as The Scoo-B-Doo (a step that holds his name), Scoo-B. Walk, Stop-N-Go, The Pause, and with Damita Jo Freeman the famous Locking handshake.
He was part of the Watts Writers Workshop, invited by Skeeter rabbit, being part of the first unisex locking dance crew, and Something Special invited by Damita Jo Freeman. With this dancing and singing group, he traveled around the world, being the first locker to go worldwide dancing in Asia.
Jimmy Foster a.k.a. Scoo-B.Doo - A Soul Train dancer
Away from the stages and his dance friends, Jimmy was surprised by the recognition of his relevance to the Street Dance community that would be missing him, believing that he had passed away but still practicing the steps that he had created decades ago.
Back in a place of prominence and recognition where he always belonged, Jimmy returned to the stages, traveling worldwide spreading his knowledge and passion for Street Dance and inspiring artists to become their best versions.
Street Dance Roots is proud to have him as a Hall of Fame inductee.
Jimmy Foster - Scoo B. Doo