Don Campbell

Don Campbell - The creator of Campbellocking a.k.a. Locking
☆ January 8, 1951
✞ March 30, 2010

Dressed in vibrant outfits that (later would turn into an international style of wearing to locking) made him easily recognizable, captivating audiences, and impressing them with his unique way of dancing and acting.

Throughout his life, he touched (and still touches) countless dancers with his wisdom, compassion, and unwavering dedication. Admired by his excellence in dance, he is loved and respected for his kindness and generosity when sharing.

Don Campbell dedicated 1970 and most of 1971 to perfecting his entertainment skills in discos and nightclubs across Southern California and soon became a “Soul Train” regular.

His contributions to the Street Dance field were groundbreaking, setting new standards and inspiring future generations to push the boundaries of what is possible when you are who you are.

Beyond his professional achievements, he was known for his humbleness and the genuine connections he made with those around him. His story is a testament to the impact one person can have on the world, leaving an indelible mark that will be remembered and celebrated for years to come.

Street Dance Roots honors Don Campbell's legacy by proudly inducting him into the Hall of Fame.

A truly inventive mind Don Campbell is the father of the Street Dances.

He created the Campbellocking a.k.a. Locking, a dance style that paved the way for Popping, Breaking, Waacking, and other genres often categorized as Hip Hop, and recently as Urban Dances as well. The original term Street Dance refers to the idea that those styles were not born or choreographed in studios.

Don himself established the fundamentals of the Campbellocking, also known as Locking Dance, with a straightforward yet profound philosophy: "Learn me and do you". His original performances gave a new, powerful, and dynamic energy to the dance world, and left an everlasting mark on history.

Don's bravery elevated street dancers into Street Dancers, leading to the establishment of a new category of professionals who started to be sought after, hired and compensated for performances on a global scale.

DON CAMPBELL - All rights reserved - visit: Don "Campbellock" Campbell Gallery


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